Day of the Dad
This Sunday is Fathers’ Day. One subject people always ask me about in regards to being a father is… wait for it… MEN. The questions...

The big question
As a gay parent I’m occasionally asked to take part in panel discussions at LGBT events, one of which was the other day at Deutsche Bank....

The day I met Seitan
It was a chilly autumn Saturday a few days ago. I took my son, Felix, to meet a friend of mine, James, for lunch at a vegan fast food...

Lessons in life
As parents, we become so preoccupied with teaching our children lessons that we forget we’re still learning ourselves. I want to tell you...

Dad Rule No. 1 - Be Vigilant
Yesterday began as a day like any other day. My alarm went off at 4.30am. I snoozed until 5am. I ate breakfast until 5.30am, at which...

The Year of Living Dangerously
Guess what – it was my birthday this week! You know what I got as a present? President Trump! As you can imagine, this was one of...

Role Models
I know, I know, it’s been forever and a day since my last piece. In my defense, I’m now studying law in evening classes AND working AND...

Family Ties
Sorry about the bigger-than-usual gap since my last entry. My mum, sister and my sister’s three boys have been in town visiting for the...

The day the union died
I wanted to talk to you about how my son, Felix, is developing. I wanted to tell you that he’s started teething and that he can now roll...

Working Girl
I’ve been back at work almost a month and I’m mostly back in the swing of things. Mostly. I suppose the first, most obvious, thing a new...